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Academy of Art University   홈 > 미국 > 대학과정 > 학교정보    
The Academy of Art University, established in San Francisco in 1929 by Richard S. Stephens, a creative director with Sunset Magazine, was originally opened to teach Advertising Art. In a few years, a distinguished faculty of practicing art and design professionals was assembled and the school's philosophy was formulated: hire established professionals to teach future professionals. Today the university has close to 8,000 students, making it the largest private school of art and design in the country. Students now have the opportunity to pursue AA, BFA, MFA, and Certificate Programs in twelve different majors including Advertising, Animation & Visual Effects, Architecture (MFA only), Computer Arts – New Media, Fashion, Fine Art, Graphic Design, Illustration, Industrial Design, Interior Architecture & Design, Motion Pictures & Television, and Photography.
tuition & fees
- Tition $550/unit :$6,600 - Registration/Student Activity fee :$40 - Course Fees (average) :$400 - Materials/Supplies (average) :$600
Bachelor of Fine Arts applicants must each submit an English-translated official high school transcript. Graduate students must each submit a portfolio. International students are advised to apply early.
전 화 415-274-2280 팩 스
주 소 180 New Montgomery St., 2nd Floor, Rm 202, San Francisco, CA 94105-3410
홈페이지 www.academyart.edu
이메일 esl@academyart.edu
학 생 - 명 강 사 - 명 강의실 - 실
컴퓨터 - 대 휴게실 - 곳
재학생 국적비율  
  한 국 - % 일 본 - % 중 국 - % 아시아 - %
  유 럽 - % 북 미 - % 남 미 - % 기 타 - %
[캐나다]2009년 학교.. 
[호주]카플란 국가.. 
[미국]KAPLAN 4월 .. 
[호주]호주 GV Byr.. 
[캐나다]캐나다 PLI .. 
록키 SunShine에서.. 
6개월간의 어학연.. 
토론토 직항 입국.. 
캘거리 GCC에서 공.. 
호주 워킹홀리데이.. 
스키머 팝니다 카드복제.. 
스키머 팝니다 카드복제.. 
스카이프 live:salonko.. 
★온라인 카지노 영상공.. 
★온라인 카지노 사이트.. 
QNA Main
백범 김구 선생님의 말.. 
[편지] 어학연수를 준비.. 
[어학] 듣기에 대한 FA.. 
성공연수준비 Summary .. 
무조건 꾹 참고 3개월만.. 
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