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Pitzer College   홈 > 미국 > 대학과정 > 학교정보    
Pitzer College — a private, undergraduate, coeducational college of the liberal arts and sciences — is consistently ranked among the best such colleges in the country. Located in Claremont, California, a city about 35 miles east of Los Angeles, Pitzer is an intimate college backed by the resources of The Claremont Colleges. Blending classroom instruction with fieldwork, Pitzer engages a student's mind, heart and spirit by integrating educational resources on campus, abroad and in the local community. Pitzer offers a curriculum that spans more than 40 major fields and focuses on interdisciplinary, intercultural education with an emphasis on social responsibility and community service. Founded in 1963, Pitzer College offers a comprehensive curriculum in the arts, humanities, sciences and social sciences leading to the bachelor of arts degree. Enrolling about 950 men and women, Pitzer is part of a unique educational environment known collectively as The Claremont Colleges.
Tuition and Fees
Tuition $28,112 Fees $ 3,326 Room (double) $ 5,146 Board (16 meal plan) $ 3,076 Books and personal expenses (estimate) $ 1,900
All students whose native language is not English need to demonstrate their English proficiency by submitting their results from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). A minimum score of 240 (computer) or 587 (paper) on TOEFL is required for regular admission though a score of 600 will be considered more competitive. Students who are qualified for admission to Pitzer in all ways except English proficiency but have achieved a TOEFL score of at least 190 (computer) or 520 (paper) are eligible for Pitzer Bridge admission.
전 화 909.621.8000 팩 스
주 소 1050 N. Mills Ave Claremont, CA 91711
홈페이지 www.pitzer.edu
이메일 arnaldo_rodriguez@pitzer.edu
학 생 - 명 강 사 - 명 강의실 - 실
컴퓨터 - 대 휴게실 - 곳
재학생 국적비율  
  한 국 - % 일 본 - % 중 국 - % 아시아 - %
  유 럽 - % 북 미 - % 남 미 - % 기 타 - %
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